christmas tree

“One of the places in the house you might expect to encounter the simple delights of a Christmas tree is positioned just so beside a warming fire… Unfortunately, my house of late has been in a state of disarray, plastic dust sheets covering the furniture, the stove disconnected, and everywhere looking a touch forlorn and far from festive. Making full use of the strange, empty room in the middle of our small, cold house, I set about recreating another semblance of the Christmas tree for our room-without-one. A few little lights tied to a long drop of black thread later, and I set about manifesting this Fritz Lang-meets-James Whale-style Christmas tree and enjoyed all the old-school sci-fi spook of it. In some of them, there’s even the ghost of some mid-20th century Americana in-the-mix, in large part due to those masking-tape atom-age snowflakes I stuck to the wall on a whim. And finally, like the little match girl herself, I popped outside into the bitter cold and dark, and snapped a few images of my stand-in Christmas tree as it might appear to any curious kids or dog-walkers, as the green glow of it flashed in the long night.” December 2022